RUTxx LAN Portunu WAN Olarak Kullanma

Using RUTxx LAN Port as WAN

This article contains a guide on how to configure LAN ports as WAN. It can be used as a wired ISP redundant connection or even to replace the port for physical damage or a custom mount.

Before we get started, let's review the configuration we're trying to achieve and the prerequisites that make it possible. Prerequisites:

A RUTxxx series Router (except RUT850).
At least two wired Internet connections.
An end device to test the configuration.

The configuration diagram is as follows.

1-Connect to the Router's WebUI, go to Network -> VLAN -> LAN Network and create a new interface by entering the name and clicking Add New.
2-After clicking on Add New, the new configuration window will open, from there it will leave by default and you need to press Save.

3-After saving the settings, you will be redirected to Network -> VLAN -> VLAN Networks, now in the same window you will need to open the VLAN Network tab and you will need to:

Select VLAN mode: Port based
Available LAN interface:

  • Enable wireless access
  • Select your current LAN interface.
  • Turn off LAN port 3 (will be used as WAN port)
  • Press Save.

Note: Make sure you are not connected to the LAN port you will disable.
New LAN_WAN interface:

  • Click Add and a new row will appear.
  • Close LAN ports 1-2 and leave only LAN port 3 open.
  • In the LAN section, select the interface you just created and click Save.

4-The next step of configuration is done via SSH/CLI.

For this example, we will use “PuTTY”, a free SSH client that can run on Windows.

Open “PuTTY”, enter the Router LAN IP address in the “Hostname (or IP Address)” field and click 'Open'.

5-You can log in with your existing admin password. You just need to type “root” instead of admin.

 login as: root
 root@'s password: <admin_password> 

6-Next, we will need to edit the network configuration file using the built-in “vi” text editor.

To start editing the network configuration file:

 vi /etc/config/network

 You need to write the above command.

7-Then press the “I” key on your keyboard to enable editing.

There are two different configurations described below. One is a static IP configuration to manually set the new WAN port, the other is DHCP for automatic network configuration of the new WAN port. Just follow the instruction that suits your needs.


Navigate using the arrow keys on your keyboard and find the 'lan_wan' configuration interface delete the current configuration and type these options:

option proto 'dhcp' option ifname 'eth0.1' option backup '1' option metric '10' 9-Static IP Navigate using the arrows and find the 'lan_wan' configuration interface, exit the current configuration and add these four options:

 option gateway ''
 option dns ''
 option backup '1'
 option metric '10' 

To exit the “10-vi” editor, press the “Esc” key, type :wq and press the “Enter” key. While still at the command line, restart the network service on the Router – this will apply the changes made to the configuration.

Use this command;

 /etc/init.d/network restart

11-Go back to WebUI and go to Network → Firewall → General Settings page. To find the source zone 'lan_wan', go to the “Forward Zone” section and change the following:

Default redirect action: accept
masking: clear
Save Changes

12-Testing the configuration; If you followed the steps correctly, your end device should have an internet connection according to the diagram.

Go to Network –> WAN and check if the new LAN_WAN is enabled and has an assigned IP.

Set up your WAN as the main connection,
Set your configured LAN port as WAN failover backup.

Go to and check your public IP. The specified IP in the example;

After that, unplug the WAN cable and check your Public IP again. Your end device must have internet connectivity and a different public IP.

Then reconnect the WAN internet connection and wait a few seconds. The public IP should change again to the first IP shown.

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