Açık Ofislerde Beyin Yorgunluğunu Azaltmak için Yeni Teknolojilerle Üretilen, Zamansız Tasarımlı EPOS IMPACT 1000 Serisi

EPOS IMPACT 1000 Series with Timeless Design, Produced with New Technologies to Reduce Brain Fatigue in Open Offices

EPOS IMPACT 1000 is designed for people working in a noisy environment. The adaptive Active Noise Cancellation feature, which can also be used in a hybrid layout, is supported by EPOS AI™. It reduces brain fatigue on both sides of the meeting. The IMPACT 1000 wireless headset uses machine learning technology to determine which sounds in the user's environment should be suppressed and which sounds should be enhanced. Many scientific researches were used in the production of this headset, which is at the highest level in the Bluetooth headset segment. Studies have proven that noise tires the brain a lot and it has been observed that the user's concentration is quite distracted. Thanks to EPOS AI™ smart technology, this brain fatigue is minimized. EPOS IMPACT 1000 is a premium wireless headset designed to meet the challenges of modern work environments. With its powerful technologies and user-friendly features, it reduces brain fatigue and increases productivity and performance.

The wireless charging, Bluetooth headset, which is the result of the combination of the power received from EPOS BrainAdapt and EPOS AI™, is the first product of this combination. He received the 2023 reddot winner and IF Gold Award.

EPOS IMPACT 1000 wireless headset to adapt to environments EPOS AI™ this intelligent technology scans the user's environment 32,000 times per second to suppress disturbing sounds and enhances the desired sound to ensure only relevant sounds reach the person the user is talking to.

EPOS IMPACT 1000 wireless headphones offer adaptive audio technology (ANC), wireless charging, Microsoft Teams certification, occupation light, 4 microphones, headband padding, the ability to connect to 3 devices at the same time and TalkThrough features. Thanks to all these features, you can easily use it in hybrid layout, open office or crowded environments and enjoy wireless freedom.

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